Warzone 2100 Tech Tree


I really just want the old 1999-2001 version and just want to play it again out of nostalgia but I can't find it anywhere, any help? Also, I remember playing it on PS1 as a kid too, and I remember you could take control of a unit and play as a 3rd person vehicle game which was REALLY unique for an RTS, but I can't seem to do it on PC. Warzone 2100 tech tree pdf in Title/Summary. Warzone 2100. In Warzone 2100, you command the forces of The Project in a battle to rebuild the world after mankind has almost been destroyed by nuclear missiles. The game offers campaign, multi-player, and single-player skirmish modes. An extensive tech tree with over 400 different technologies.

Full warzone 2100 tech tree

Warzone 2100, originally released in 1999 by Pumpkin Interactive, had us pumping out mass armies of artillery to carpet bomb our enemies, as was the glorious RTS style of the time. Similarly attractive was its and its then-new usage of 3D graphics.

When Pumpkin released the source code for Warzone in 2004, a team of enthusiasts picked up the material for a remake, which received its yesterday (via ) after two years under the anvil.Warzone sends four factions into the zone of war: The Project, the New Paradigm, the Collective, and Nexus. As part of The Project (indie rock band name right there), you're tasked with rebuilding civilization after a devastating nuclear war. Unity and happiness apparently doesn't jibe with the other groups, so you're forced to spread peace at cannon-point.An interesting feature among the salvo spam is the ability to create custom units based on chassis, drive system, and weapon type. Still, Warzone's emphasis on map-revealing radar coupled with a rather mediocre AI strongly favored the almighty tank rush. That's not a bad thing. I like tasting the subtle nuances of absolute overkill every so often.Grab Warzone 2100 for free from its, and check out the development team's to get up to speed on units and structures.